Important Documents
Our first unit is Place Value within 10. We cover a range of small steps within this unit from ordering numbers, touch counting, comparing using the symbols < > = and more. Where possible in Year 1, we use concrete resources to support their mathematical learning. As we move throughout the year, we teach the children pictorial and abstract approaches to support their understanding ready for Year 2 and above.
Counting from a larger group
Ordering numbers
Comparing using < > =
Representing numbers using objects
The Number Line
The Sunshine Room
What a difference from this ...
To this ...
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this room possible!
All about me
Our first book is called 'What Makes Me a Me?
We have discussed the word 'unique'. We shared our similarities, as well as our differences.
In English we are working on:
- Thinking of our sentence
- Saying our sentence out loud
- Counting how many words are in our sentence
- Using finger spaces
- Introducing capital letters and a full stop
- Using our segmenting fingers
- Neat handwriting and on the line
- Read your work back - does it make sense?
We made our own person to show our features from our eye colour, to hair colour to what we like to wear.
Over the next few days we are composing sentences about our favourite things, who we live with, how old we are etc. We will then share these to the rest of the class. This will make a class display showcasing their amazing writing.
Exploring the classroom and our provision
The children have settled very quickly into Year 1, which is amazing! They are picking up our rules and routines. We have started our formal learning from phonics, to maths to English. Also, we are showing the children the provision areas available in our classroom, as well as the area outside of our classroom. We are also lucky to have the Sunshine Room up and running.
Autumn 1
Class of 2024 - 2025
The children loved Splat the teacher. It was a very successful event. They were determined to get us all!
We loved Mrs Ashworth’s appearance as she entered the playground.
A big thank you to FCL for the golden treat afternoon. Our class had a ball!
penalty shootout
The staff even enjoyed going on the assault course.
Class Trip
What a great day we had at Smithalls Farm.
They all behaved beautifully.
We saw lots of animals.
We had a tractor and donkey ride.
We ended the day with an ice-cream to cool us down after a warm day.
Our class were given Crompton for our school history afternoon.
we learnt his name was Samuel Crompton. We looked at the spinning mule.
We sang a song about cotton.
We create art work using cotton pads. They turned out really well!
Summer 2
The children learnt how to write their own riddle. We picked the theme animals. They worked very hard on this unit.
The children are enjoying our computing lessons with Miss Aspden. They went on Sketch Pad and produced some amazing work. They could navigate it really well.
In this unit, we brought in our favourite toy to share with our friends. They enjoyed sharing these with their friends. We had special visitors to share their favourite toy from when they were little. Thank you to Mrs Barrand, Barry, Tommy and Will.
The children remembered lots of information which was shared. They finished this unit with a teddy bear’s picnic. We learnt about the changes in teddy bears over time from the 1920s to now.
How am I making history?
Throughout this unit:
Summer 1
Cooking and nutrition: Smoothies
In this unit:
English - dinosaurs
We have been looking at the different dinosaurs. I learnt so much about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs have so many different features from sails, to frills to plates. We have had great fun with this unit. We created our own dinosaurs and wrote sentences about them. We designed a new set of underpants for the dinosaurs and wrote about them. We created fact files on different dinosaurs.
We have measured objects using cubes - non standard measure.
We have measured objects using a cm ruler - standard measure.
We have measured how many of our feet it takes to fill one dinosaur foot. We couldn't believe how big a dinosaurs' foot is.
Doubling to 10
We have been working really hard on our double to 10 facts. We have tried to cover them in many different ways. We used the IWB games, songs, cubes, double butterflies and ladybirds and of course Double Dude himself.
Here is the link to play at home.
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024
Today, was world book day. They started the morning with a whole school assembly. We learnt a song. See below for the link.
We had a look at all the different outfits. We designed a book cover. We made a paper plate character. They turned out fantastic! Of course, we read lots of books.
Spring 2
Art - Painting and Colour Mixing
We looked at the primary colours which are:
- red
- yellow
- blue
From this, we looked at secondary colours which are:
- orange
- green
- purple
We experimented to see which two colours mixed together would make green or orange or purple. We found out red and blue makes purple, blue and yellow makes green and yellow and red makes orange.
We looked at how to make different shades of green. We learnt that to make a darker green we add more blue than yellow. To make a lighter green we add more yellow than blue.
We looked at using a range of Lego pieces to print with paint. We made our own initial block to print and used Lego pieces to create a repeating pattern.
The children are enjoying our computing lessons. They have their own logins where they have to switch on the laptops, type in their login details and then navigate different programs. They like using Sketchpad.
Traditional Tales - English
In English, we have started to look at a range of Traditional Tales. We have covered so far:
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Goldilocks
- Jack and the Beanstalk
Next week, we will look at The Three Little Pigs.
They have produced some amazing pieces of writing from this unit. We have wrote letters, retold the story from beginning to end, created character descriptions, created our own adapted version of one of the stories, created wanted posters, wrote a set of instructions and much more.
As well as the written side, we have worked very hard on our oral literacy skills. We retold the stories listening to the language used and used expression and actions throughout.
Parent to Lunch
What a success this was! The children loved having their parents/carers come and have lunch with them in the dinner hall. The curry was very popular! After, we went back into the classroom and showcased our Dear Zoo English unit as well as our Geography unit called 'What is the weather like in the UK?' We had some lovely feedback from this event.
Chinese New Year
We have learnt about the story of the zodiac with the animals. The rat was very sneaky. This year is the year of the dragon. We tried our hardest to write Chinese numbers. We were very lucky and Tina's parents kindly made us some Chinese food to try from their shop called Haku (just near our school). It was very yummy! Tina also came to the front and taught us some Chinese words, counting and phrases.
Maths Project Week
We celebrated National Number Day where the children came into school wearing something to do with a math's concept. This might have been digits or shapes as examples.
Then, we introduced our book called 'The Picnic Problem'. It was about two children who were sent on a clue quest.
From this, each day we covered a different area of maths. We looked at:
- 2D shapes
- Division - sharing
- Addition and Subtraction
- Skip counting - money 2p. 5p. and 10p coins
- measuring heights
- counting in 1s and language
We then showcased all our learning to our parents. What a great turn out!
A few children went to Woodbank Primary School to share the learning we have covered and listen to their learning.