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Designing Waistcoats

The children spent several weeks designing and making their waistcoats, taking great pride in their achievements. They had to:

  • Consider a range of factors in their design criteria and use these to create a waistcoat design.
  • Use a template to mark and cut out their design.
  • Pin the template to their fabric.
  • Carefully cut around the template and fabric - not an easy task when they were using just their ordinary class scissors. They showed an immense amount of patience.
  • Use a running stitch to join the fabric and create a functional waistcoat.
  • Decorate their waistcoat using fabric pens.
  • Evaluate their final product.

They have all produced a product they are proud of!

Along the way, we have looked at famous designers, focusing in particular on Vivienne Westwood. The children created a PowerPoint to record their thoughts on her designs, and I have to say that ‘wacky’ clothing is not to their liking!