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We love the role of Computing ambassadors. We deliver assemblies about online safety, using Web Safe. We help with safeguarding, by checking that machines are locked at break and lunchtimes. (Computing Ambassadors)

We follow the Kapow Computing scheme (condensed) across the school, allowing us to spend more time on each unit rather than rushing through the curriculum.

The scheme covers six key strands, using readily available online software. This means that if your child is inspired, they can continue exploring the software at home!

  • Digital literacy
  • Online safety
  • Computational thinking
  • Computers and hardware
  • Cross-curricular application
  • Coding

All classes sign an acceptable use agreement to ensure they understand how to stay safe online. As part of our commitment to online safety, our Computing Ambassadors deliver online safety assemblies using scenarios from Web-Safe and read books in assemblies that reinforce online safety messages. We also take part in Safer Internet Day, with KS2 classes typically joining live assemblies offered by the BBC or Google's Be Internet Legends.

For more details about our computing curriculum, please see the parental information sheet linked below.