Learning how to do division using part whole models, where you have to split the number into its tens and ones helps us to work out the answer.
Here are some photographs of the children exploring maths and our displays around the school.
In maths, we follow White Rose, which is a mastery approach to teaching maths. This is a research-driven teaching and learning method that meets the goals of the National Curriculum. This means we:
- Put numbers first: Our schemes have number at their heart, because we believe confidence with numbers is the first step to competency in the curriculum as a whole.
- Put depth before breadth: we reinforce knowledge again and again.
- Encourage collaboration: children can progress through the schemes as a group, supporting each other as they learn.
- Focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving: it gives children the skills they need to become competent mathematicians.
We cover throughout the year:
- Number
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Statistics
These areas are broken down further, such as in number we look at place value or in measurement we look at length and height.