Free School Meals / Pupil Premium
To apply online for free school meals please go to
Universal Free School Meals applies to all children in infants, meaning children are entitled to a free school meal until they move into Year 3 at which point school meals are charged at £2.60 per day. Families who have successfully applied for Free School Meal funding will continue to receive Free School Meals throughout Primary School. It is important that families who think they may be eligible for Free School Meal funding apply as soon as their child starts school, or their circumstances change to make them eligible. Families in receipt of Free School Meals funding receive other support that you may miss out on if you don't apply when your child is in infants. Currently Bury Council provides support to families in receipt of FSM funding through Supermarket vouchers and Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) vouchers in the school holidays. In addition, schools receive Pupil Premium funding for qualifying families.
What is Pupil Premium (Free School Meals) funding?
The pupil premium grant is funding the government gives to schools for some children to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. The school would get £1455 per pupil, and all parents need to do is complete a VERY SHORT form for the local authority.
What is Pupil Premium used for?
Leaders in school decide what to spend the money on to support pupils with their learning needs. Children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium will benefit from the money as it will enable more resources including technology, adult support and interventions for learning. The money can be used to benefit all children, not just those who receive the funding, for example with whole class intervention or support.
What other support is available via Free School Meals?
Bury Council currently provides support to families in receipt of FSM funding through Supermarket vouchers and Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) vouchers in the school holidays.